VirChIP Predictions for 36 TFs in Roadmap Epigenomics Project
This dataset contains predictions of Virtual ChIP-seq for binding of 36 transcription factors in Roadmap Epigenomics dataset tissues with matched DNase-seq and RNA-seq data.
Description: This dataset contains predictions of Virtual ChIP-seq for binding of 36 transcription factors in Roadmap Epigenomics dataset tissues with matched DNase-seq and RNA-seq data.
Tarball contains subfolders for each of the 36 TFs where Virtual ChIP-seq median MCC in validation cell types was > 0.3.
Each subfolder contains gzipped BED files. Each file is named as <Tissue>_<Age>_<TF>_<Accession>_Predictions.bed.gz. Columns correspond to Chromosome, Start, End, <Tissue>_<Age>_<TF>_<Accession>, Posterior probability
You can use the posterior probabilities provided in Virchip_PosteriorCutoffs_V3.0.0.tsv. These are posterior probability cutoffs which maximized MCC in H1-hESC cell type, or are set to 0.4 if there was no ChIP-seq data of that TF in H1-hESC (0.4 is the mode of all optimal posterior probability cutoffs in H1-hESC).
Lab: Hoffman
Year: 2018
Keywords: VirChIP, transcription factors, Roadmap Epigenomics